Recorded Classes

We have over 1100 of our classes recorded since April 2020. You can add our recorded class video membership to an existing autopay membership or purchase only our class recordings if you do not have an existing studio membership. Adding videos requires a minimum 3-month autopay agreement.
Videos from 2020-2022 are available on our Google Drive and can be viewed and downloaded an unlimited about of times while you have your video membership. Newer videos 2023 and newer are available to stream from Mindbody.
Recorded Memberships
View hundreds of our recorded classes
without a class membership here:
$85/month - purchase
Add recorded class videos to ANY membership!
We have over 1000 of our classes recorded since April 2020. You can add our recorded video membership to an existing membership. Adding videos requires a minimum 3-month autopay agreement. Pricing varies depending on your membership. Please email us to inquire.
Add recordings on to any class membership!
$55 to add to a class membership
$35 to add to a class membership
$15 to add to a class membership
$0 to add to unlimited class membership